Lecture Series on “Mixed Method Research”
At 12:30 pm on November 19, 2019, host by the Student Work Department of Central South University and the Xiangya School of Nursing of Central South University and organized by the Nursing Branch of the Association of Young Scientists and Technicians of Central South University and the Graduate Association of Xiangya School of Nursing, a lecture series on "Mix Method Research" was held in Class...

Professor Lisa Lommel from School of Nursing University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Gave Lectures to Graduate Nursing Students from International Class of 2019
In an effort to further the development of the discipline of nursing which offers quality nursing education and cultivates students with global perspectives, the School of Nursing of Central South University (CSU) invited Lisa Lommel, a clinical professor from School of Nursing University of California, San Francisco(UCSF) to conduct academic exchanges and deliver lectures on Advanced Academic ...

Literature Search Techniques for Systematic Reviews Workshop
At 2pm on October 26 in 2019, lasting for two days, Literature Search Techniques for Systematic Reviews Workshop kicked off in T210, Fuqing Building, Xiangya New Campus.One of the lecturers of the workshop was Professor Min-Lin Emily Fang, Education and Information Consultant for Nursing at University of California San Francisco and Chief Researcher of “Building Virtual Free Alternative Medica...

Tang Yao , an Undergraduate Student of Class of 2016 Attended the UN Job Fair as one of the Representatives of CSU
In order to further promote the cultivation of talents for international organizations and to build between Chinese universities and international organizations a dialogue platform which provides Chinese youth with face-to-face opportunities to interact with international organizations, China Scholarship Council (CSC) held a UN Job Fair at Peking University from October 25th to 27th in 2019.Nea...

Tian Yusheng, a Nursing Graduate Student from Class of 2018 was Invited to Make a Paper Presentation at the 11th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry
From October 24 to October 26, under the theme of “Unraveling and understanding violence in clinical practice” and with a strong focus on clinically relevant and practically useful interdisciplinary scientific and practical knowledge with regard to interventions aimed at treating and reducing violence and aggression, the 11th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry was convened i...

Lecture Series on “ How to Transform Scientific Ideas into Outcomes”
At 4 pm on October 18, at the invitation of Xiangya School of Nursing, Virginia Plummer, Associate Professor from Monash University gave a lecture in Class 714 of Xiaoqian Building. Associate Professor Virginia Plummer is currently the Director of Monash Nursing and Midwifery. Her fields of expertise cover a variety of fields, such as mixed-method research, systematic review, and knowledge tr...

Lecture Series on “Socio-psychological Factors and Diabetes Control: from Empirical Research to Clinical Practice”
At 1 pm on October 15th, an academic lecture was given by Professor Ruey-Hsia Wang from Kaohsiung Medical University in Class 714 of Xiaoqian Building of Xiangya School of Nursing. Professor Wang Ruixia, currently a professor at College of Nursing Kaohsiung Medical University and Professor (joint appointment) of Master Degree Program in Aging and Long-Term Care who also served as Supervisor of ...

A Lecture Series on "Gerontological Nursing in the International Year of the Nurse"
At 1 pm on September 29 in 2019, host by the Student Work Department of Central South University and the Xiangya School of Nursing of Central South University and organized by the Nursing Branch of the Association of Young Scientists and Technicians of Central South University and the Graduate Association of Xiangya School of Nursing, a lecture series on "Gerontological Nursing in the Internati...

Ma Mengdan, a Graduate Nursing Student from Class of 2017 was Invited to Make a Special Report and Paper Presentation at the 2019-Annual Congress of Chinese Thoracic Society
From September 4th to September 8th, under the theme of “ Implementing Healthy China Initiative --- Grasping Precision Medicine and Promoting the Prevention and Treatment of Respiratory Diseases”, the 2019-Annual Congress of Chinese Thoracic Society was held in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province. Supervised by Professor Zhang Jinghui, Ma Mengdan, a graduate nursing student from class of 2017, ...

Lecture Series on "Training and Application of NP in USA" was Held
At 12:30 pm on September 24 in 2019, host by the Student Work Department of Central South University and the Xiangya School of Nursing of Central South University and organized by the Nursing Branch of the Association of Young Scientists and Technicians of Central South University and the Graduate Association of Xiangya School of Nursing, a lecture series on "Training and Application of NP in U...

Lecture Series on “Academic Research Experience Sharing”
At 12:30 pm on July 2 in 2019, Dr. Emma Burnett, Associate Dean of the School of Nursing and Health Sciences at Dundee University, who was visiting our school, gave an academic lecture sharing her research experiences to graduate students of our school in Class 714 of Xiaoqian Building at Xiangya New Campus. Dr. Emma Burnett was the head of the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) program for...

iangya School of Nursing Held a Closing Ceremony for “Utilization of Research in Evidence Based Practice”, a Course Taken by the International Class of 2018
On the morning of July 2, 2019, the closing ceremony for “Utilization of Research in Evidence Based Practice”, a course taken by the International Class of the joint Masters Program in Nursing between Central South University and University of California, San Francisco was held in the Meeting Room 714 in Xiaoqian Building at Xiangya School of Medicine. Attendees of this closing ceremony inclu...

Lecture Series on ““Evidence-based practice” was Successfully Held
At 12pm on June 25, 2019, organized by the Nursing Branch of the Association of Young Scientists and Technicians of Central South University and the Graduate Association of Xiangya School of Nursing, a lecture series on “Evidence-based practice” was successfully held in Class 457 of Xiaoqian Building at Xiangya New Campus .The lecturer was given by Dr. Lisa L. Lommel, currently a clinical pro...

Lecture Series on “Topic Selection and Writing of Research Papers, Selection of English Journals, and the Submission Process and Techniques” was Held
At 14:30 pm on June 10, 2019, host by the Student Work Department of Central South University and the Xiangya School of Nursing of Central South University and organized by the Nursing Branch of the Association of Young Scientists and Technicians of Central South University and the Graduate Association of Xiangya School of Nursing, a lecture series on “Topic Selection and Writing of Research P...

Lecture Series on “Learning Nursing and the Implications for Educators” was Held
At 9 am on June 6 in 2019, a lecture entitled "Learning Nursing and the Implications for Educators" was successfully launched in Class 457 of Xiaoqian Building at Xiangya New Campus.The lecturer is Dr. Linda Honan, a professor of Yale School of Nursing, a clinical tutor of Yale New Haven Hospital and a clinical preceptor on Yale New Haven Hospital. Dedicated to nursing education and academic an...

A Lecture Series on "Creating a Nursing Model with the Dignity of the Elderly as the Core” was Held
At 10:30 am on June 3 in 2019, host by the Student Work Department of Central South University and the Xiangya School of Nursing of Central South University and organized by the Nursing Branch of the Association of Young Scientists and Technicians of Central South University and the Graduate Association of Xiangya School of Nursing, a lecture series on "Creating a Nursing Model with the Dignity...

Lecture Series on "Scoping Review&How to Develop a Research Career” was Successfully Held
At 9 am on June 4th in 2019, host by the Student Work Department of Central South University and the Xiangya School of Nursing of Central South University and organized by the Nursing Branch of the Association of Young Scientists and Technicians of Central South University and the Graduate Association of Xiangya School of Nursing, a lecture series on "Scoping Review&How to Develop a Research Ca...

Lecture Series on “How to Successfully Publish Qualitative Papers in a Journal” was Held
At 9 am on May 29 in 2019, host by the Student Work Department of Central South University and the Xiangya School of Nursing of Central South University and organized by the Nursing Branch of the Association of Young Scientists and Technicians of Central South University and the Graduate Association of Xiangya School of Nursing, a lecture series on "How to Successfully Publish Qualitative Paper...

Professor Wang Honghong of our School was Elected as Fellow of American Academy of Nursing
According to the newest addition of 2019 Class of Academy Fellows announced by the American Academy of Nursing recently, Professor Wang Honghong from Xiangya School of Nursing of Central South University was elected as Fellow of American Academy of Nursing (FAAN) in recognition of her great contributions to the fields of AIDS prevention, nursing and nursing education.Founded in 1973, the Ameri...

Lecture Series of "Selecting Good Research Paper Topics for Nursing"
At 12:00 noon on May 14 in 2019, the lecture series of "Selecting Good Research Paper Topics for Nursing" was successfully held in Classroom 457 in Xiaoqian Building at Xiangya New Campus. It was the 23th academic lecture host by the Student Work Department of Central South University and the Xiangya School of Nursing of Central South University and organized by the Nursing Branch of the Associ...

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