Research Career Pathway for PhD and Young Faculty Members (ReCaP)

1. Overall goal

To develop a meta-network of PhD programs in Nursing Science to support young scientists’ post-doctoral careers and the pathway to academic excellence in Finland and China.

2. Partner Universities (n=14)

Universities in Finland

Universities in China

University of Turku*

Peking University

Tampere University

Fudan University

Åbo Akademi University

Peking Union University

University of Eastern Finland

Central South University*

University of Oulu

Xian Jiaotong University

Sichuan University

Sun Yat-sen University

China Medical University

University of Hong Kong

3. Why the project is needed?

1) Transition from novice to independent researcher is challenging

2) Nurse researchers and leaders are partially response to global health needs

3) Skilled future scientists are urgently needed globally

4) The qualities of for ideas of ‘a global nursing researcher’, ‘a global mindset’ and ‘a global citizenship’could be improved

5) Most professors in Nursing Science (in Finland) are retiring in coming 5 years

6) High quality, standardized career pathway with well developed infrastructure can support success and sustainability in nursing discipline

4. Sub-goals

1) To design a management structure and procedures for the meta-network

2) To develop a curriculum with advanced training courses for the academic career development of PhD students and young faculty members

3) To implement a hybrid learning platform for training courses in higher education

4) To evaluate the impact of the meta-network of PhD programs from the points of view of students, teachers, and universities

5) To disseminate the project experiences and impact a wider national and international audience

5. Anticipated material results

1) The meta-network of PhD Programs in Nursing Science and management and procedural structure

2) A new curriculum to ensure an academic career pathway toward the post-doc level

3) Training courses with new learning material

4) A tested and evaluated hybrid learning platform

5) Increased visibility and communication of the project

6) An interim report and final reports of the project

6. What will be done?

1) Preparation of management structure and procedures for the meta-network

2) Development of the curriculum to support academic career development

3) Implementation of training courses (face-to-face/online) and student/teacher mobility at partner universities

4) Evaluation of the impact of the program, training courses, and student mobility

5) Dissemination of the project experiences and results

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